Cheshire & Mersey Adult Critical Care and Major Trauma Specialised Services Clinical Networks (SSCNs) is one of the largest in England. Their work is focused on clinical engagement and collaboration.

The Critical Care Network acts as a conduit between commissioners and providers. We focus on coordinating patient pathways between providers within the Cheshire and Mersey area to ensure:

  • Equitable access to specialist resources and expertise
  • Improving outcomes and quality standards
  • Evidence based networked patient pathways are agreed.

They cover 12 critical care units who deliver level 2 and 3 Critical Care.

The Major Trauma Network consists of an adult Major Trauma Centre Collaborative, a children’s Major Trauma Centre and seven Trauma Units. Pre-hospital care is provided by North West Ambulance Service, North West Air Ambulance, and the North West Pre-hospital Critical Care Charity.


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