Welcome to the Long Term Ventilation Education Hub.

As a collaborative team, including the LTV specialist teams at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, we are available to provide education and training to staff across the North West region. 

We currently offer two invasive and two non-invasive LTV training days per year, at the Engine Rooms in Warrington. The days are provided by the ODN free of charge with the aim of increasing competence and confidence of staff when caring for LTV patients within their local hospital. Prior to the study days you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the pre-reading material, this is mandatory and should be completed before the study days.  Use the username and password, along with the link below to access our Moodle workplace site. For more details on how to book, please refer to our education events.

Additionally, we provide local, bespoke training on all aspects of LTV, including but not limited to ventilator training, LTV-based simulation, and tracheostomy training. Please see our booking form or contact your locality educator for more information.


In addition to offering face-to-face training, we aim to provide resources to support staff education, including ventilator resources and troubleshooting guides. If you require specific LTV training materials that are not available below, please feel free to contact the education team at: odneducation@mft.nhs.uk.

Ventilator Resources
Nippy 4/Nippy 4 + Ventilator User Manualltv-ventilator-resources nippy-4
Vivo 3 User Manualltv-ventilator-resources vivo
Dreamstation User Manualdreamstation ltv-ventilator-resources
Philips Respironics Dreamstation Troubleshootingdreamstation ltv-ventilator-resources
Trilogy Evo User Manualltv-ventilator-resources trilogy-evo
A40 Pro User Manuala40-pro ltv-ventilator-resources
A40 Pro Troubleshooting Guidea40-pro ltv-ventilator-resources


Tracheostomy Resources


LTV Simulation Resources


LTV Competencies
Paediatric ODN National Collaborative LTV Competencies for Healthcare Professionals (Guidance Document)
Paediatric ODN National Collaborative LTV Competencies for Healthcare Professionals (Sign-off Document)