Regional Self Assessments
About the Regional Self Assessments
A key part of the ODN is to review regional healthcare providers against national standards. The reviews conducted allows the network team to reflect on areas of good practice, areas for improvement and gaps in service provision across the region.
The adoption of national standards are fundamental in maintaining safe and sustainable services and in ensuring the workforce and model of service provision across the region meets the needs of the local population.
The self-assessment process has a number of objectives:
- Update progress against delivery of national standards for each organisation.
- Understand key achievements, challenges, and priorities for each organisation.
- Provide an opportunity for any risks and concerns to be escalated to the Network either at a regional or network level.
- Provide an opportunity for engagement between the Network and local teams.
- Produce an action plan to deliver priorities and gaps in standards as agreed by all parties.
- Provide assurance for the NW PCC SiC LTV ODN Board, relevant commissioners, and acute providers on the status of delivering the standards, and support for providers to deliver agreed actions following the self-assessment.
- Sharing learning and excellence across the wider system.
- Individual provider assessments will contribute to network wide discussions around ensuring sustainable services longer term and the assessment process will facilitate an opportunity to explore both the process and activity at a provider level and also facilitate wider network proposals for service delivery and improvement.
The purpose of the reviews are for the ODN to act as a ‘critical friend’ to review the completed self-assessment, evidence and support action planning to enable provider to meet the national standards.
The ODN has developed a regional guideline to support and standardise the self-assessment process which can be found here.
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